Melanotan II 10mg


Buy Melanotan II


Buy Melanotan II

Melanotan 2 (also referred to as Melanotan II) A synthetically produced variant of a peptide hormone naturally produced in the body that stimulates melanogenesis, a process responsible for pigmentation of the skin. This peptide hormone, called alpha-Melanocyte stimulating hormone or MSH, activates certain melanocortin receptors in the process of exerting its effects. Indeed, MSH also exerts potent influence over lipid metabolism, appetite, and sexual libido via these melanocortin receptors. Melanotan 2 has been researched extensively for use in protecting against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from sunlight due to its melanogenesis-stimulating properties. Additionally, Melanotan 2 and a similar synthetically produced variant, known as PT-141, have been studied at length as a potential remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunction; specifically, male erectile dysfunction. Buy Melanotan II

Research in the early 1960s showed that in rats, administration of α-MSH caused sexual arousal, and work on this continued in many labs up through the 1980s, when scientists at University of Arizona began attempting to develop α-MSH and analogs as potential sunless tanning agents, and synthesized and tested several analogs, including melanotan-I and melanotan II.


Source: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Melanotan-II

Molecular Formula: C50H69N15O9
Sequence: H-Gly-Glu-Pro-Pro-Pro-Gly-Lys-Pro-Ala-Asp-Asp-Ala-Gly-Leu-Val-OH
Molecular Weight: 1024.2 g/mol
Physical Appearance: White Lyophilised Solid
Form: Sterile Filtered White Lyophilized
Solubility: Water Soluble